Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Hi everyone,
This is pretty last minute and a little late, but I have decided to join you all next semester in Oaxaca. My name is Selina and I just transferred to UVM this year, and to be honest I'm not sure what grade I'm technically in (I think second semester sophomore?). My major right now is Global Studies but I'm thinking of changing it to Global Health. I love traveling and am super excited to explore Oaxaca and learn about the healthcare system in Mexico, and particularly in the region we will be in. I am interested to see what health systems they have in place and what access there is to them. I look forward to meeting you all, and spending next semester with you in a warm, sunny place with great food.
-Selina Hurley
p.s. this picture is from my trip to Ethiopia a few years back, with two boys whom I love dearly named Teddy and Solomon

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